Writing Intensive Program Requirements

The goal of the Writing Intensive Program is to enhance the ability of students to write effectively and appropriately in both general writing and professional writing in their disciplines.  The program consists of Writing Enriched (WE) courses and Writing in the Discipline (WD) courses. Writing Enriched courses are typically 2000‑ and 3000‑level courses in which writing supplements the coverage of course content.  They include extensive and intensive instruction in writing. Writing in the Discipline courses are 3000‑ and 4000‑level courses that are designed to teach students about the roles and uses of writing in their fields of study. As a requirement for graduation, students must complete nine semester credit hours of Writing Enriched and Writing in the Discipline courses.  One course must be a Writing in the Discipline course.

When courses appear with the designation WE (Writing Enriched) or WD (Writing in the Discipline) in the Attribute section in the course schedule, they can be taken to satisfy the writing intensive graduation requirement. Successful completion of ENG 1050 Composition I with a final grade of "C" or better is a prerequisite for all Writing Enriched and Writing in the Discipline courses.

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