Adverse Weather

University leadership is monitoring Hurricane Helene's projected track. At this time, UNCP remains on a normal operating schedule.

Eunice Koh

Eunice Koh Headshot

Eunice Koh

Adjunct, Cello

Jacobs Hall, O1



          A versatile and active cellist of the musical scene, Eunice believes in sharing memorable and diverse experiences with a global audience through the curation of engaging programmes and cross-cultural collaborations. She is also passionate about sharing her experiences through teaching and learning with each student’s musical growth. Maintaining intensive chamber music activities and performing with different musical genres locally and internationally, are examples of her willingness to adapt and grow.  

          Eunice is a firm believer of exploring various styles and genres of performing. She regularly performs and curates’ solo and chamber programmes. Eunice was invited to perform in a recital at the South Carolina Chamber Music Festival, and premiered a newly commissioned work, Festivals: from Sounds of Singapore by Chee-Hang See. She is an avid advocate for world music and is constantly researching on performance practices of different cultures. Some Strings Attached, a chamber ensemble collectively founded by Eunice and four other musicians, represents her passion for chamber music making and connecting with her audiences. Eunice is also part of two Singapore based ensembles – Stringwerkz and Open Score Project. Stringwerkz is an award-winning Chinese Chamber Quintet comprising of four Erhu musicians and a cellist. They had organised and performed recitals in Singapore and two recitals in Hamline University, Minnesota in 2018 and 2019. Apart from recitals, Stringwerkz often curate community performances, school workshops, and performing in hospitals. Open Score Project is a multi-ethnic syncretic ensemble that was invited to perform in Hanoi and Shanghai for Singapore Festival and Singapore Day respectively. They also realised a community engaging project titled Arts in Your Neighbourhood, by building a physical engaging platform to engage audiences of all ages in the heartlands of Singapore. She is also a cellist that actively collaborates with other art disciplines such as, dance, theatre, poetry and visual arts.

          Eunice Koh graduated from University of South Carolina (DMA), Southern Illinois University (MM), Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts – Royal College of Music (Bachelor of Music with Honours). Her teachers include Professors Zhao Yu Er, Chen Yang Guang, Amanda Truelove, Eric Lenz, and Claire Bryant.

          Her experience with orchestral performing as section and principal cellist include, Southern Illinois Symphony Orchestra, University of South Carolina Symphony Orchestra, South Carolina Philharmonic, Aiken Symphony Orchestra, Singapore Lyric Opera, Metropolitan Festival Orchestra, Singapore Youth Chinese Orchestra, The Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra of the Music Makers, Asian Cultural Symphony Orchestra, and Re: mix.