Meredith Storms, Ph.D.
Professor / Faculty Sponsor, Gamma Sigma Epsilon
A native of North Carolina, Meredith Storms received her B.S. in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke and her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Georgia. She has been teaching at UNCP since 2002.
Her current research involves developing HPLC methods for selected compounds in over-the-counter dosage forms as well as biological matrices. Her research often involves analytical method validation, stability-indicating assays, and extraction methods (such as solid-phase extraction). She has worked with numerous undergraduate research students with an interest in pharmaceutical analysis. She has given presentations at conferences such as AISES, PURC, SERMACS, and SNCURCS.
Storms also enjoys various community outreach activities. In collaboration with the NC-ACS, she has led several National Chemistry Week events. Additionally, she is involved with outreach activities in the local schools and with the regional public libraries. She enjoys the opportunity to spark an interest in the sciences among children with the hope that they will become scientists, doctors, pharmacists, and more!