Winter Weather

 UNCP will return to normal operations today at noon and classes for the spring semester will begin Monday, Jan. 13. University administrators don’t anticipate cancellations or delays at this time. All university updates will be posted to


Travis Walters 

Travis Walters 

Travis  Walters 


Bladenboro, North Carolina 


Travis Walters is from Bladenboro, North Carolina and graduated in May of 2018 with a degree in biology with a bio-medical emphasis. Travis was President of Beta Beta Beta (Tri Beta) Biology Honors Society and a Chancellors Ambassador. He studied abroad one semester in Whales at Bangor University. Honors classes challenged Travis, which made his time enjoyable and fulfilling. He met most of his friends through honors seminars and group projects. 

Travis’ senior project was an ocular syphilis case study research report. He wrote his senior thesis on ocular syphilis and the case report that he created and worked on with Dr. Arghavan Almony at Carolina Eye Associates in Southern Pines. In his thesis he examined a retinal case study on ocular syphilis and included the effects and treatment of the disease.  

After graduation Travis attended the Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He advises honors students to stay focused and stay on track to graduate. Travis’ greatest memory was having the opportunity to study abroad. 

Senior Project

Thesis: An Ophthalmic Case Report Examining Diagnostic Errors

Faculty Mentor: Conner Sandefur