Xinyan Shi, Ph.D.
Economics, Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Analytics Department Chair/ Professor of Economics
Dr. Xinyan Shi is a full professor of Economics in the Department of Economics, Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Analytics. Prior to her appointment at UNCP, she worked at Central Michigan University for a year as visiting professor and was employed as a consultant before joining the graduate program. Dr. Shi's research interests include microeconomic theory, game theory, financial literacy, information economics, behavioral economics, public economics, and experimental economics. Her research has appeared in some leading economic journals, including Journal of Housing Economics (JHE), International Journal of Economic Theory (IJET), and Economics Bulletin (EB).
Recently, Dr. Shi was awarded $1.8 Million by National Institute of Health on a grant project over two-year period. The project studies how people’s knowledge level and potential cognitive biases affect their behaviors towards COVID-19 testing and vaccination. As the Principal Investigator on the grant, she leads and oversees all aspects including research design and dissemination, personnel recruitment and management, contract preparation, intervention outreach, etc.
During her tenure at UNCP, Dr. Shi has chaired some major committees on campus including: Promotion and Tenure Committee (P&T), and Student Affairs & Campus Life Committee (SACL). She also served on the Chancellor Search Committee, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, and the Honors College Dean Search Committee, Pembroke Undergraduate Research Council among others. Currently, Dr. Shi is leading a research team from two institutions on a COVID-19 project.
Dr. Shi is a recipient of 2020 UNCP Graduate Faculty Mentor Award. Also, she was nominated for Adolph Dial Award for Community Service in 2015 and was nominated for UNCP Outstanding Teaching Award 2016.
Dr. Shi is an Associate Editor for The American Economist, an official publication of Omicron Delta Epsilon, the International Honor Society in Economics.