Traffic Enforcement Penalities

MOVING VIOLATIONS will be processed through the court system as prescribed by North Carolina General Statutes. Convictions are reported on the individual’s driver’s license record maintained by the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. Moving violations include, but are not limited to:

  • Failure to stop for a Stop Sign
  • Careless and reckless driving
  • Defective equipment (lights, mufflers, etc)
  • Driving while impaired

The following actions are prohibited and will result in civil penalties as indicated below, payable at the Traffic Office in Business Services Building 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.



Failure to register vehicle $60.00
Parked in a handicapped parking space $60.00
Improper display of parking permit $15.00
Unauthorized use/transfer of parking permit $15.00
Improper parking $15.00
Exceeding 20 mph speed limit $50.00
Stop Sign/Flashing Red Light Violations $30.00
Failure to yield to pedestrians $50.00
Safe movement violation $15.00
One way street violation $15.00
Reckless driving $30.00
Loud Music $15.00
Littering $20.00
Booting $25.00 along with unpaid parking fines

***Commercial and personal vehicles are not allowed to operate on campus with tinted windows, which prevent a minimum of 35% light to pass through.

***UNC Pembroke has a zero tolerance policy for littering. Violators will be issued citations.


Any vehicle parked in violation of these regulations may be removed to a storage area. The fee for the removal constitutes a lien on the vehicle, and the vehicle will not be released to the operator until the removal and storage fees have been paid. If the operator of the vehicle to be towed returns prior to the tow-truck moving the vehicle, the operator will be charged the standard impoundment fee.

Repeat Offenses

If any person is cited for violations of the Ordinance with respect to parking illegally more than five (5) times in a period of 12 months, the Director of Police & Public Safety may cancel any parking permit issued to the person without refund of any portion of the fee paid; and the person’s name will be placed on a list of “repeat offenders;” and the individuals vehicle will be subject to towing. If the same person receives another violation within 90 days or within the same 12 months, his/her name will be forwarded to the appropriate agency for disciplinary action.

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