Winter Weather Advisory

Based on the forecasted potential for inclement weather including freezing rain, the university will transition to Condition 1—Reduced Operations status at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025, and all evening classes beginning after 5 p.m. will transition to online learning. Read more >>

Travel Advance and/or Prepayments

(Including Airline Tickets)

Controller's Office Policy CO 01 92

A. Purpose: Explains policy and procedures regarding travel advances and/or prepayments for official University travel.

B. Scope: Applies to all University departments and activities. ONLY those University employees as noted below are eligible for travel advances.

C. Policy: The University reimburses travel expenses in accordance with the regulations of the State of North Carolina, Office of State Budget and Management.


In order that personal funds will not be required, the University offers American Express travelers cards to qualified UNC Pembroke employees in lieu of travel advances. Travel advances will not be provided to non-State employees.

Travel advances will be issued only in the following situations:

1. Traveler is not eligible for an American Express travel card;

2. Traveler has lost his/her card, and the replacement card has not yet been received;

3. Traveler has applied for but has not yet received a card;

4. Adequate lodging cannot be reasonably obtained by using the American Express card;

5. Other exceptions as approved in advance by the Controller. (A written statement should accompany the Travel Request/Authorization form and should be forwarded to the Controller for approval.)

If any of the above criteria are met, advances may be obtained for authorized travel via the Travel Request/Authorization form if adequate time is allowed the campus travel office (x.4218). Travel advances are limited to 90% of estimated out-of-pocket costs, reimbursable by the State, to be paid by the traveler. A copy of the Travel Request/Authorization form must be kept by the Department Head for later attachment to Travel Reimbursement form.

Procedures for Requesting Travel Advances

1. Travel advances are requested for eligible University employees on the Travel Request/Authorization form with approval level at the Department Head over the account.

2. A brief explanation for the requested advance should be attached to the form. The explanation should conform to the situations listed in the policy statement where advances are permitted. (Example: lost charge card, employee not eligible for charge card, etc.)

3. Campus travel office (x.4218) must receive the properly approved and documented Travel Request/Authorization form at least ten (10) work days prior to the date the advance check is required.

Issuance of Travel Advance Checks

1. Campus travel office (x.4218) will forward the advance check to the Department Head's office for distribution to traveler.

2. Advance checks are not eligible for distribution prior to five (5) days of travel.

Reimbursement of Travel Expenses when Travel Advance is Involved

1. Travel advance must be indicated and deducted from total travel costs on the Travel Reimbursement form.

2. Reimbursements should be requested within thirty (30) days after the end of the month in which the travel took place.   Failure to submit your travel reimbursement in a timely manner could prevent reimbursement to you.


If a prepayment is necessary for a registration fee or an airline ticket, the original copy of the approved Travel Request/Authorization (signature of Department Head over budget) along with the completed registration form will be forwarded to the campus travel office (x.4218), allowing at least ten (10) work days for processing. The registration deadline, therefore, is crucial to prevent a registration fee increase.

Our designated travel agent must be used for an airline ticket to be billed to UNCP. In the case of airline travel, the completed travel request form must be sent to the travel office at the same time the reservation is made with the travel agent to properly process payment for the airline tickets.

"Prepayment Requested" or "Please Prepay" must be typed beside the registration fee amount on the Travel Request/Authorization form.

The payee and its mailing address must be circled or highlighted on the completed registration form sent to campus travel office (x.4218) for prepayment.

A copy of the registration form will be kept with a copy of the approved Travel Request by the department for later attachment to the Travel Reimbursement.

Registration fees of $75 or more may be prepaid if requested and proper documentation is received in the campus travel office (x.4218) with adequate time allowed for payment.