Biosketches and Publications
PIs should create an account with SciENcv (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sciencv/) to create and maintain biosketches, which are completed in the required format for NIH and NSF submissions.
Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) is an electronic system that researchers can use to create and maintain biosketches that must be submitted with NIH and NSF grant applications and annual reports. SciENcv pulls information from other systems, including MyNCBI, ORCID, and eRA commons in order to ease administrative burden and allow researchers to quickly create and recreate a biosketch for each grant application or annual report.
You can find more information on using SciENcv at the following links:
SciENcv Background
YouTube Video: SciENcv Tutorial
YouTube Video: Integrating with ORCID
PIs must register themselves in ORCID (https://orcid.org/) which is an unique identifier to track research and publications.
Data Management Plans (DMP)
Data management and preservation plans are often required by funding agencies as a part of the research process. A Data Management Plan (DMP) describes data that will be acquired or produced during research; how the data will be managed, described, and stored; what standards you will use; and how data will be handled and protected during and after the completion of the project. Whether or not you are required to share data online, consideration of the questions that underlie a data management plan can assist with project management and annotation, reduce errors, assist with data collection, and reduce the work required to prepare data should it be requested by researchers.
Even if you are not seeking funding for your research, documenting a plan for your data is a best practice and will help your data comply with policies and procedures for responsible data management.
For information on how to develop a DMP, go to: https://libguides.uncp.edu/datamanagement.
See the information about the federal research data repository https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/05-2022-Desirable-Characteristics-of-Data-Repositories.pdf.
Institutional Data
You can access institutional data using the University Dashboards, which include enrollment and degree information. For specific institutional data, contact Institutional Research.
Other tools
At https://data.gov/, you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more.