UNC Pembroke Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports Clery Act Notice of Availability

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (The Clery Act) [20 U.S.C. § 1092(f)] requires institutions of higher education to produce and distribute an annual report containing information on their campus crime statistics and campus security policies. In accordance with this federal requirement, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke’s Office of Title IX and Clery Compliance, working with partners across campus, prepares this report. The University of North Carolina at Pembroke distributes this report annually in September to all students and employees via an email notice containing a link to this electronic version of the report. Any applicant for admission or employment will find a link to this report on their application for enrollment/employment, on this webpage, and on the webpage of UNCP Police and Public Safety.  Anyone can receive a copy of the report upon their request to the Office of Title IX and Clery Compliance (910.521.6398; titleixcoordinator@uncp.edu; Dr. Joseph B. Oxendine Administrative Bldg., The Compliance Suite 104).

The Clery Compliance Officer through collaboration with other UNC Pembroke campus partners prepares the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. The statistical information in this report is compiled using information about crime and criminal activity obtained from campus security authorities, local police, and others.  Statistics are gathered for certain crimes that are reported and that occur in buildings owned or controlled by the university and used for educational purposes; this includes campus property and residence halls, non-campus property (owned or controlled by the university), and public property adjacent to campus. Information is collected on a daily basis and statistics are compiled annually and disclosed in this report.

Also included are campus security policies including those related to missing student notifications, timely warning and emergency notifications to the campus community, alcohol and drug use, sexual assault and sexual violence (dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking), crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, and fire safety policies and statistics.  The Clery Report represents the university’s efforts to comply with important federal regulations.

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