The program is designed for students interested in pursuing a career in biomedical and behavioral science research.
*This program is not intended for students who plan to attend medical, veterinary, dental or other professional schools.
1. Do I need to know what I’m going to do when I graduate?
Not necessarily. You need to know if you have a strong interest in biomedical and behavioral science research. The program is designed to assist you in finding out what you need to do when you graduate. As a RISE student however, you will be required to apply to graduate school. You will receive assistance in completing graduate school applications.
2. How will students pick a research project?
RISE Staff will work with you to determine which faculty members are actively conducting research that most compliments your interests. After meeting with your desired mentor and obtaining a place in their lab, you and your mentor will decide the research project you will conduct under their direction.
3. What are faculty researchers doing at UNCP?
To find out more about the UNCP faculty researchers, click here RISE Faculty Mentors
4. I am going to Medical, Dental, or Pharmacy school after graduation from UNCP. Is this the program for me?
No. If you are considering attending a professional program that will prepare you for a career outside of a biomedical or behavioral science research career, then this program is not for you.
5. Can I afford to commit to RISE with all my other classes and obligations?
We believe YES. If you are serious about pursuing a biomedical or behavioral science research career, then you can commit to U-RISE. The RISE staff will help you by providing advisement and counsel on how to manage your classes, RISE projects, and other obligations. As a U-RISE Fellow, keep in mind that the more research you do, the more successful you will be in graduate school.
6. What steps do I need to take to pursue a career in biomedical research?
Click on the Path to a Biomedical Career to view the path U-RISE will show you to achieve the goal of having a Biomedical Career.