Jonathan R. Ricks, Ph.D., LCMHCS, NCC, RPT, LSC
Director of Professional School Counseling Program, and Associate Professor
Begin strengthening your comprehensive school counseling program today!
The Advanced School Counseling for Postsecondary Success, 12-credit hour online certificate, is designed to prepare school counselors with an advanced skillset in designing and delivering services that lead to equitable educational experiences, positive outcomes, and postsecondary access and opportunity for all k-12 students.
This online certificate is available for current students enrolled in the CACREP accredited, 60-credit hour Professional School Counseling (PSC) program as well as licensed school counselors who aim to obtain advanced training in school counseling. PSC students can concurrently complete the degree program and this certificate. PSC students can complete this certificate by satisfying elective requirements (from 60 credit hour program) and taking the remaining 2 additional courses. PSC students can use the specialty course CNS5750 College and Career Readiness in partial fulfillment of the certificate requirements. A PSC student who successfully completes the certificate will graduate with a graduate degree in PSC and the Advanced School Counseling for Postsecondary Success certificate, for a total of 63 credit hours.
Advanced School Counseling certificate students are now eligible for federal financial aid. For more information about financial aid, please visit https://www.uncp.edu/admissions/costs-and-financial-aid/office-financial-aid
Admissions for this certificate are for a spring (January) start. Please submit applications by December 31st.
Students who are currently completing a master’s degree in professional school counseling at UNCP can apply for this certificate here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=KOOiGg990U-SFsR5ocFPnUt6mU_lUstJliPyLTNb075URjM5SzlOMkQwWlA1NlFYTUUySlVSUThMSi4u
Students who have already graduated with a master’s degree in professional school counseling should apply here: https://applytouncp.force.com/