UNCP Piano Day

The 7th annual UNCP Piano Day will take place on Saturday, February 8, 2025.


This year’s piano day will feature mini-lessons, workshops, a group masterclass and an end-of-day recital. All participants also receive a free lunch.


There is no registration fee, and it is open to piano students of any age and their teachers. Participants are welcome to attend only a portion of the day if they have other obligations.


Are you or any of your students interested? If so, please register online at https://uncp.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dfXDonI4Tx1aSpg or by using the QR code in the promotional flyer by Friday, January 31.


If you have any questions about this or any other aspect of the event, please contact Dr. Mark Tollefsen at mark.tollefsen@uncp.edu.