Online Tutoring

Writing Center Online Tutors

If you are enrolled in an online course or cannot physically come to the Writing Center, you can make an appointment to meet with a tutor online. To do so, click here and create an account on our appointment system. Once you have made an account, log in and click on a convenient appointment time. On the appointment page, choose to "meet online."

When it is time for your appointment, log into the appointment system again, click on your appointment, and follow the instructions there.

You will have the option to upload or paste documents and also to chat with your tutor. Both you and the tutor have the ability to make changes to the document you upload. At the end of the session you may download the document to your computer. The document and the chat session will be available for you to view for the remainder of the semester. If you have questions, call the Writing Center at 910.521.6546.

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