Student Employment

Working at the University Writing Center

Job Description
Consultants work individually with student writers, providing feedback on such issues as focus, organization, argument, grammar and formatting. Consultants also perform office tasks as needed. New consultants earn a starting wage of $12.00 per hour. Consultants enjoy flexible hours and a fun working environment. We are looking for undergraduate applicants from the humanities, social sciences, sciences and professional fields.

New consultants will enroll in ENG 2990, Writing Center Theory and Practice (Credit, 3 semester hours) in the fall and will begin work at the end of the fall semester. The class involves reading, writing assignments, classroom discussion, observation, and supervised tutoring practice.


Must have a 3.0 GPA
Must have completed or be currently enrolled in Eng 2990
Successful completion of English 1050 and 1060 or equivalent
Current UNCP student status (part-time or full-time)

To Apply

Please contact center director, Dr. Laura Hakala, at if you are interested in working at the center.

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