Vacation Leave

Vacation leave must be approved by the supervisor prior to an employee taking leave. Vacation leave may also be used for other personal reasons requiring absence from work. The minimum amount that can be taken is 15 minutes.

Vacation leave credits shall be provided for a full-time or part-time employee with a permanent, probationary, trainee, or time-limited permanent appointment who is in pay status for one-half or more of the regularly scheduled workdays and holidays in a pay period. The rate is based on length of total State service.

Eligibility: Permanent employees regularly scheduled to work at least 20 or more hours per week, and who are in pay status for at least one-half of the days in a month, are eligible to earn leave. Leave earning EPS employees earn 16 hours per month.  SAAO employees earn 17.33 hours per month. Permanent SHRA full-time employees (40 hours per week) earn vacation and sick leave according to the chart below. Employees who work less than 40 hours per week earn leave on a pro-rated basis according to the number of scheduled work hours each week.  

Full-time SHRA employees earn annual leave on a monthly basis, based on length of service.


SHRA Accrual Rates

Years of Service Leave Accruals – Earned Per Month
0-5 years 9 hrs.   20 min.    (9.33 hours)
5-10 years 11 hrs. 20 min.  (11.33 hours)
10-15 years 13 hrs. 20 min.  (13.33 hours)
15-20 years 15 hrs. 20 min.  (15.33 hours)
20+ years 17 hrs. 20 min.  (17.33 hours)



 (Chancellor, Provost, Vice Chancellor, Deans)
Days Per Year Annual Leave (Monthly)
26 Days 17 hrs. 20 min.  (17.33 hours)



Appointment Annual Leave (Monthly)
12 Month 16 hours
11 Month 14 hrs. 40 min.  (14.66 hours)
10 Month 13 hrs. 20 min.  (13.33 hours)
9 Month (Non-Faculty) 12 hours


Vacation leave may be accumulated without any applicable maximum until December 31 of each calendar year. On December 31 any employee with more than 30 days (240 hrs.) of accumulated leave shall have the excess accumulation converted to sick leave so only 30 days are carried forward to January 1 of the next calendar year.

If you leave state employment, you are paid for accumulated vacation leave to a maximum of 30 days (240 hrs.).

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