2024 UNC System Employee Engagement Survey
March 25 - April 12, 2024
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the 2024 UNC System Employee Engagement Survey. The information you provided through the survey will help the university continue to identify our areas of strength and, importantly, the areas that will demand more of our attention to meet the needs of our faculty, staff, and students.
Our overall response rate was 63%. This high participation rate yields a quality data set and indicates both a strong interest in this process and a commitment to our campus community. I know this enthusiasm will continue as we move into post-survey action planning.
What happens next? ModernThink will compile the data over the next several months, with the goal of providing initial survey results and reports for review to the UNC Board of Governors and the senior administration of the UNC System and UNCP by this summer. This fall, we expect to begin sharing information from the survey with our campus community as well as our initial plans for leveraging our areas of strength and addressing the areas demanding more of our attention.
For more information, view the FAQs below or contact Angela Revels, Nicolette Campos, or Sheila Hardee. The Office of Human Resources can be reached at 910.521.6279.
What is the Employee Engagement Survey?
- The Employee Engagement Survey is sponsored by the UNC System. It is a regularly scheduled survey on workplace satisfaction that took place in 2018, 2020, and 2022 as part of the UNC System Strategic Plan.
- The 2024 survey will be a shortened version of the full survey administered in 2018 and 2020, but slightly longer than the “pulse” survey conducted in 2022.
- The survey, which will be administered to all permanent faculty and staff, will provide insights into faculty and staff engagement trends at the various institutions and across the System.
- The survey is being administered through an outside vendor, ModernThink. ModernThink is the only entity that can access or view raw survey data and individual responses. System Office and the constituent institutions do not have access to any raw data.
- The Employee Engagement Survey is sponsored by the UNC System. It is a regularly scheduled survey on workplace satisfaction that took place in 2018, 2020, and 2022 as part of the UNC System Strategic Plan.
Why are we conducting the Employee Engagement Survey?
- UNCP, along with the System, want to measure workplace engagement. Studies have shown the more engaged an employee is, the more satisfied the employee is and the more productive the work unit is.
- This is one of the ways the System can obtain useful system-wide quantitative information about how faculty and staff feel about their workplace. The engagement survey collects data from both faculty and staff and will help the identify areas of strength at each institution and areas that need improvement.
- Some UNC institutions have done similar surveys in the past, but this is the only survey to be conducted system-wide. It provides a common dataset for the entire UNC System.
- UNCP, along with the System, want to measure workplace engagement. Studies have shown the more engaged an employee is, the more satisfied the employee is and the more productive the work unit is.
Who is participating in this survey? Do I have to participate?
- The survey is being sent to all permanent full-time (75% time or more) faculty and staff employed as of January 2024. The survey is available online.
- Participation is voluntary. You should not feel pressured to participate, but since this is a great chance for faculty and staff voices to be heard, we encourage your participation.
- It is important the university hears from as many faculty and staff as possible for the most complete feedback. For the 2022 survey, UNCP had a response rate of 74% and an overall positive rate of 70%, compared with a 44% response rate and 65% overall satisfaction rate across the UNC System.
When is this happening, and how long will it take?
- The survey will launch on March 25 and run through April 8.
- The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
- You will receive an email invitation directly from ModernThink that has a unique login and password for you. Login information cannot be shared with others.
- Faculty and staff can take the survey either on work time or off work time using a laptop or mobile device. (Note: If you decide to complete the survey outside your regular work schedule, then you will not be paid for that time.)
- The survey will launch on March 25 and run through April 8.
What's on the survey?
- Work Environment Questions: The 2024 survey will include 42 questions.
- Open-Ended Questions: There are two open-ended questions for write-in responses.
- Demographics Questions: These are for reporting purposes, such as race, gender, years of service, salary range, etc.
- Work Environment Questions: The 2024 survey will include 42 questions.
What happened as a result of previous surveys and what should we expect to happen in the future?
- System-wide topline data are shared with the UNC Board of Governors and posted publicly on the UNC System website.
- Data points were used as a comparator for human resource metrics such as turnover data to see if trends could be determined.
- The results support efforts to pursue key longer term policy and programmatic changes, such as the introduction of paid parental leave and enhancements to University benefit programs where possible.
- Institutions also use these data to support changes and improvements at the campus and school/division level, such as improved communications, additional collaboration opportunities, or new recognition programs.
- In most cases, progress from this program will be incremental and not occur all at once, or may not be visible to all employees as it happens. This means it may take time to address certain issues or take time for faculty and staff to see the positive effects of any actions taken.
- Some faculty and staff concerns (e.g., better salaries/raises, better benefits, etc.) may be outside the control of your direct supervisor, UNCP, or the System.
- Some suggestions from faculty and staff for certain changes may be cost prohibitive or may require legislative action by the NC General Assembly.
- However, having data that identify these concerns and suggestions puts UNCP and the System in a better position to prioritize ways to address them and to bring these issues to those who have the authority to make any necessary changes.
- System-wide topline data are shared with the UNC Board of Governors and posted publicly on the UNC System website.
What about confidentiality?
- The UNC System will supply certain initial information to ModernThink for survey distribution and reporting purposes, including each employee’s email address, organizational unit, employee type (EHRA/SHRA), and job category.
- Reporting will be available only if there are at least five responses in a defined demographic group. For example, for a report including results specifically from African-American female faculty, we would receive a report only if at least five respondents completed the survey that fit the full demographic profile (i.e., African-American, female, and faculty).
- Note: The full narrative comments you submit in the two open-ended questions will be shared with management. You may want to consider how you phrase your responses, so your remarks are not identifiable.
- ModernThink provides a helpline (888.684.4658) for participants to call if they have questions about confidentiality. Faculty and staff can review a confidentiality statement.
- The UNC System will supply certain initial information to ModernThink for survey distribution and reporting purposes, including each employee’s email address, organizational unit, employee type (EHRA/SHRA), and job category.
Where can I get more information?
- ModernThink provides a helpline (888.684.4658) for participants to call if they have questions about confidentiality or about how to complete the survey.
- Additional information on the program is available on the UNC System website.
For on-campus support or if you have any specific questions or concerns, please contact Angela Revels, Nicolette Campos or Sheila Hardee. The Office of Human Resources can be reached at campus ext. 6279.
- ModernThink provides a helpline (888.684.4658) for participants to call if they have questions about confidentiality or about how to complete the survey.