Compensation Beyond Contract for EHRA Faculty and Non-Faculty Employees

Human Resources Policy HR 11 96 (Revised 3/25/11)

PURPOSE: The objective of this policy is to promote equitable compensation for all traditional forms of professional activity. Application of this policy is consistent with all State and Federal labor laws, including the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This policy is not intended to modify any of the documents referenced herein. UNC General Administration academic salary increase memoranda published annually provide guidance for EHRA personnel salaries. Board of Governors' Policy, \"External Professional Activities of Faculty and Other Professional Staff (EHRA),\" applies to payments from other than University fund sources (e.g., consulting and dual employment). The State Personnel Manual describes rules for the payment of employees subject to the State Personnel Act (SHRA). The following paragraphs are not intended to supersede the policies of UNC General Administration, the Office of State Budget and Management, or the Office of State Personnel.

SCOPE: This policy applies to compensation paid to UNCP faculty and EHRA nonfaculty from all University sources including Distance Education and sponsored program funds.


I. Academic Year Compensation (Exceptions Noted in Section III)

I.1 The salary approved through the EHRA Salary Increase Process is the full compensation that full-time faculty and EHRA professional staff should expect during the base period of appointment. This period includes all formal holidays and interludes during which no classes are scheduled. Regardless of the salary source, total compensation paid during the period of appointment cannot exceed the salary amount authorized in the current academic salary increase documents, except as provided in the policies and procedures for salary increases provided by General Administration and the exceptions so stated in Sections III and IV of this policy. Performing tasks, other than exceptional situations listed herein, will require reduction in other responsibilities of the faculty or professional staff member. For example, arrangements should be made for \"release time\" if faculty members are to conduct sponsored program activities during the academic year appointment.

I.2 Upon appropriate approvals, individuals with appointments of less than full time during an academic or fiscal year can increase their commitment up to full time with additional compensation. However, in no event may the effort of an individual exceed full-time commitment, unless specifically authorized as an exception as provided in Sections III and IV.

I.3 Arrangement may be made to pay an individual from fund sources from more than one division. Such arrangements will require in advance the signatures of the Provost and/or Vice Chancellor of each division affected.

I.4 Faculty shall not begin any additional work for which supplemental pay is expected without first obtaining the approval of the Provost. Non-faculty and SHRA Exempt employees shall not begin any additional work for which supplemental pay is expected without first obtaining the approval of the respective Vice Chancellor.

II. Periods Outside the Academic Year

II.1 For a nine-month appointee, total UNCP compensation from all forms of work done during the summer (such as, continuing education activities, teaching Summer School, research, sponsored programs, and curriculum development activities) can not exceed one-third of the current nine-month salary.

II.2 The level of compensation awarded to a faculty member for teaching activities during the summer months or other periods not included in the base salary, regardless of the source of funds, will be based on the policy governing compensation to faculty members for teaching assignments during such periods as stated in the University Faculty Handbook.


III. For Additional Teaching

III.1 Additional teaching assignments require prior approval of the faculty member’s department chair and dean. Exceptions to this policy must be approved in advance by the Provost.

III.2 Faculty may teach a maximum of one course overload (3 credits) per semester funded from the general fund or through Distance Education.  Any overload supported by general funds shall only be authorized by the dean when it is impossible to hire part-time faculty because of last minute staffing problems, lack of qualified part-time instructors, or other factors.

III.3 Faculty members who have reassigned time for other duties, i.e., Chairs, Coordinators, Directors, etc. will be allowed to teach a maximum overload of one course (3 semester hours). Overloads exceeding three hours will only be approved in the rarest circumstances.

III.4 Approval may also be granted for additional compensation for conducting non-credit short courses, seminars, workshops, and conferences for continuing professional education, and special lectures and forums for the personal enrichment of interested citizens.

III.5 EHRA faculty (12 month),non-faculty and SHRA exempt employees, whose duties are tied to the normal workweek schedule of the University, are allowed to take on a University teaching/sponsored research responsibility for additional compensation. This responsibility must be carried out at times other than during the assigned working hours established for full-time employment responsibility.

III.6 Teaching at another institution in The University of North Carolina system is covered under the State's \"Policy on Dual Employment,\" State Personnel Manual, and approval is obtained in advance via completion of a Form CP-30. Payment to a UNCP employee is made by The University of North Carolina at Pembroke with funds being transferred from the sister institution.

IV. For Additional Responsibilities Other Than Teaching

IV.1 Rotational Assignments Faculty of an academic unit that are assigned administrative responsibilities (Chair) may receive additional compensation with the prior approval of the Dean and Provost.

IV.2 Interim or Acting Appointments   Appointments to a higher level of administrative responsibility (e.g., interim department chair) traditionally have been compensated at a higher rate. Normally, interim assignments and compensation will be reflected in the EHRA Salary Increase (ESI) report typically prepared in August. Subsequent assignments will be included as amendments to this document (ESI). Long-term assignments will be received/approved by the Chancellor (or his/her designee) upon the recommendation of the Provost or appropriate Vice Chancellor.

IV.3 Special Projects: Faculty Faculty may engage in additional university assignments (i.e. special projects, program/degree development) during a semester as long as the extra assignments do not exceed the equivalent of one course per semester with the prior approval of the Department Chair, Dean and Provost.

IV.4 Exceptional Situations: EPA Nonfaculty and SHRA Exempt Staff EHRA nonfaculty and SHRA exempt staff may receive additional compensation, not to exceed 20%, in exceptional situations for non-teaching activities that are unrelated to the employee's normal duties. These activities must not interfere with the employee's normal duties and must be carried out at times other than during the normal working hours established for full-time employment responsibility of that staff member. Such exception must be approved in advance by the Provost and/or Vice Chancellor of the appropriate division.

V. Intra-University Consulting Since intra-University consulting is assumed to be undertaken as a University obligation requiring no compensation in addition to full-time base salary, the principle also applies to faculty members who function as consultants or otherwise contribute to a sponsored agreement conducted by another faculty member of the same institution. However, in unusual cases where consultation is across departmental lines or involves a separate or remote operation and the work performed by the consultant is in addition to regular departmental assignments, any charges for such work representing extra compensation above the base salary are allowable provided that such consulting arrangements are specifically provided for in the agreement or approved in writing by the sponsoring agency. Prior approvals as outlined in Section III.1 must be received prior to beginning work.

VI. Maximum Payments for Exceptions Compensation for additional employment assignment exceptions during the academic year may exceed 20% of current base salary with approval of the Provost or Vice Chancellor.  Compensation for department chairs may exceed 20% of total annual salary of base salary including chair’s stipend

VII. Fringe Benefits Mandatory employer contributions for fringe benefits must be funded from the same source as the additional compensation.

PROCEDURE: Specific guidance dealing with rates and limits of additional compensation, timing of approvals, method of payments and deductions, and work requiring participation from members of two or more units or divisions is available in the offices of the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs.

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