Winter Weather Advisory

UPDATED: 1/21/25 at 9:45 a.m. UNCP officials met this morning to assess conditions and updates from the National Weather Service and have determined the university will operate on a normal schedule through 5:15 p.m. today and then transition to a Condition 1—Reduced Operations status through noon, Wednesday, Jan. 22. All classes after 5 p.m. today through noon, Wednesday, Jan. 22, are canceled. For updates, visit Students, faculty and staff please check your campus email.

Training for UNCP Employees

Human Resources HR 73 01

Training will be provided for UNCP staff and supervisors on a continuous basis. Training that is listed as core courses will be mandatory. Training listed as electives is optional, unless the position has direct responsibilities in the areas of elective courses, i.e. supervisors with fiscal responsibility should attend training related to budget management and staff with responsibility for processing travel claims should attend travel regulations training.

Core training workshops will be provided each semester. Elective training workshops will be provided at least annually.

All training will be advertised on the Human Resources web page as well as through e-mail. A calendar with all workshops, dates and times will be developed to assist departments in planning in advance for these courses in their work schedules.

A report detailing all workshops and attendees will be provided for each Vice Chancellor at the end of each semester. The report will reflect employee satisfaction with course content and delivery.

The Staff Development Specialist will survey all employees to determine training needs and assess the effectiveness of training provided.

A list of core and elective courses for Supervisors follows:





Budget Management
Contracts/Hiring Through Temporary Agencies Classification & Compensation
Disciplinary Procedures Employee Assistance (EAP)

Leave Reporting

Financial Records System (FRS)
Performance Management Personal Development Training
Professional Development Training Prepare For Tomorrow
Safety Preparing Makes $ense
Workers' Compensation Salary Administration
Workplace Harassment Travel Regulations
Writing Position Descriptions  
EEO Institute Training  
DDI Modules (ALL)  


A list of core and elective courses for Staff follows:





Budget Management
Leave Reporting Classification & Compensation
Performance Management Employee Assistance (EAP)
Professional Development Training Financial Records System (FRS)
Safety Personal Development Training
Workers' Compensation Prepare For Tomorrow
Workplace Harassment Preparing Makes $ense
  Salary Administration
  Travel Regulations

Additional core and elective training will be added for Supervisors and Staff as workshops are developed.

Workshops and Descriptions

Budget Management

This workshop will cover a detailed analysis of departmental accounts. Participants will learn how to maintain and read a budget printout, move money, and manage funds. E - Supv. & Staff *

Classification & Compensation

This training includes the classification process: establishing and classification of positions. Steps in the classification process are detailed. E - Supv. & Staff


CONNECTIONS is a customer service training program that is designed to improve student/staff relations through improved personal communications skills. This training is scheduled to be completed in three two-hour sessions. You must be available for all three sessions. A certificate is issued upon completion. C - Supv. & Staff

Contracts/Hiring Through Temporary Agencies

This training details the type contract to use for the job, how to complete contracts and accompanying documentation, and the process for hiring through temporary agencies. C - Supv. Only

Disciplinary Procedures

This training is to assist supervisors in handling disciplinary problems for unsatisfactory work performance and/or unacceptable personal conduct. C - Supv. Only

EEO Institute Training

This is a one and one-half day workshop conducted by the EEO Institute of the Office Of State Personnel. This training is to provide State government managers and supervisors with practical training that will assist them in becoming more effective managers and supervisors of an increasingly diverse workforce. NC General Statute 126-16.1 mandates this training. C - Supv. Only

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

This training is designed to provide employees with an opportunity to become familiar with the services of the State Employees' Assistance Program. Emphasis is placed on the use of the EAP as a referral resource for managers and supervisors who are faced with a \"troubled\" employee situation. Training includes methods of dealing with an employee whose job performance, work habits, personal conduct or fitness for duty are of concern. Issues pertaining to the Drug Free Workplace Act are also covered. E - Supv & Staff

Financial Records System (FRS)

This training is for all users (faculty, administrators, staff) of the FRS. Training includes a review of screens available, the automatic budget reallocation (ABR) rules, transaction codes, object codes, and any problems you may have concerning your accounts. E - Supv. & Staff *

Leave Reporting

This workshop covers the different types of leave and the proper way to report it in the time sheet. The proper contract for the type work performed and supporting documentation are described. C - Supv. & Staff

Performance Management

This workshop is all about evaluating employee performance. Each employee must be evaluated at least annually. Supervisors will learn how to establish a work plan, some tips on how to simplify the evaluation process, when to use the short form, and when to use the long form. Sample work plans and evaluations are provided. C - Supv. & Staff

Personal Development

This is training which is scheduled for the employee's personal interest. Typical workshops would be on Nutrition, Fitness, Landscaping, Elder Care, etc. E - Supv. & Staff

Prepare For Tomorrow

A two-day workshop about pre-retirement planning, this training is designed to heighten awareness of the importance of planning for retirement. Participants are selected based on years of service and/or age. E - Supv. & Staff

Preparing Makes $ense

This workshop is a two-day workshop about planning for retirement for the younger employee with fewer years of service. It is a life-planning program, designed to help employees plan for a secure future. This training provides an opportunity for participants to become aware of potential life changes and the issues involved, gain information about alternatives and options, and to develop strategies or action plans (short and long-term goals). This process allows individuals to gain control and direction in life. Taking this action early provides individuals the opportunity to define life changes, such as retirement, in their own terms. E - Supv. & Staff

Professional Development Training

This is contracted training which is scheduled for supervisors and staff for their professional development. This training provides assistance to supervisors in developing their supervisory skills. Staff development is in all areas such as grammar, time management, etc. C - Supv. E - Staff


This workshop is about practicing safety in the workplace. Some of the topics covered are: Office Safety/Ergonomics, Fire Safety, Bloodborne Pathogens, and General Safety. C - Supv. & Staff

Salary Administration

This workshop covers salary administration guidelines, in-range adjustment policy, and other procedures that affect employees' salaries. E - Supv. & Staff

Travel Regulations

For all employees who process travel claims. Covers regulations and procedures, including expenses for transportation, meals, lodging, subsistence requirements and other pertinent travel information. E - Supv. & Staff *

Workers' Compensation

This workshop describes the responsibility of the supervisor in documenting and reporting an accident at work. Details about the referral for medical attention, completion of the accident form, notification of Human Resources, employee pay status, follow-up is also covered. C - Supv. & Staff

Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment is defined. This training is consistent with the University's Workplace Harassment Policy. Procedures for reporting workplace harassment are detailed. C - Supv. & Staff

Writing Position Descriptions

This training is for anyone who is responsible for writing or assisting with writing position descriptions. Learn key words that adequately describe the level of the position. Also learn the proper format for the position you are describing. C - Supv. E - Staff


C - Supv. & Staff - This is core training for supervisors and staff

E - Supv. & Staff - This is elective training for supervisors and staff

C - Supv. E - Staff - This is core training for supervisors and elective for staff

C- Supv. Only - This training is for supervisors only

* Employees with direct responsibilities in these areas would be expected to attend.

 Training Opportunities currently offered through Human Resources can be found here.