Logging into Braveweb
- Using the link below, login into Braveweb.
- Once logged in, click Banner Self Service.
- Next click, Student Services or Student.
- You'll now be at the Student Services menu.
- From this menu click, Registration.
Registering for Courses
- Click Registration for Classes.
- Select the term you intend to register for and enter your pin number. (You will be prompted for your pin number each time you login to register.)
- If you do not know your pin number, contact your academic advisor.
- On the Register for Classes screen you have several options.
- Find Classes - You can select the subject, course number, or keyword to find the course(s) you intend to register for.
- You can search for all courses within a subject.
- You can search for a specific courses.
- Enter CRNS - If you know the 5-digit CRN number associated with the course you can enter it here.
- Schedule and Options -View your currently registered courses and course information.
- Find Classes - You can select the subject, course number, or keyword to find the course(s) you intend to register for.
- Once you've found the course that you intend to register for, click the Add icon to add it to the Registration Summary at the bottom right of the screen. (Only courses with available seating or waitlists will have the Add icon available.)
- Once you've added all of your courses to the Summary, click the Submit icon.
- If your registration was successful, you will see 'Registration' in the status column.
- If not, you will receive error messages instructing you on how to proceed with registering.
- You will need to click Submit again to remove the course(s) with registration errors from your Registration Summary.
- A weekly view of your schedule for the term will be available to the left of your Registration Summary.
Dropping Courses
- In the Action column of your Registration Summary, click None in the drop-down menu.
- From the drop-down menu select Web Drop (this can be done for multiple courses at once).
- Once all the intended courses have been changed to Web Drop, click Submit.
- If done properly, the course will fade, and the status will change to Deleted.
- Students are not permitted to drop the last course on their schedule.
Waitlist Instructions
- When at the Register for Classes menu and a course is full but has a waitlist, you can click the Add icon to be added to the waitlist.
- The course will be added to the Registration Summary with a pending status. This indicates that the course has not been fully added to your schedule.
- Click the **Web Registered** icon and select **Waitlisted through Braveweb** from the drop-down menu in the Action column.
- Click Submit and you will be added to the waitlist for the course.
- When at the Register for Classes menu and a course is full but has a waitlist, you can click the Add icon to be added to the waitlist.