Art News & Events

Katrina McMillan, "Storytelling", Intaglio and Chine Colle.  2021

McMillan's Print on Display in California

December 7, 2021
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Graduating Art major Karina McMillan's work has been accepted into the The Fierce Urgency of Now: Socially Engaged Printmaking exhibit at the Turner Print Museum in Chino, California.

Snow Mountain

11th annual international juried exhibit on display at UNCP

February 12, 2021
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The 11th annual international juried competition “Hope” is currently on display at the UNC Pembroke Art Department Gallery.


UNCP alumna leaves lasting mark in her hometown

September 23, 2020
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If you frequent Pembroke, chances are you’ve seen Emmaline Mansfield’s visual handiwork.

Gina Adams

A.D. Gallery presents Gina Adams’ exhibition “Its Honor is Hereby Pledged”

September 17, 2020
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“Its Honor is Hereby Pledged,” a solo exhibition featuring the work of renowned contemporary artist Gina Adams, will be on display at the A.D. Gallery at UNC Pembroke through October 22.

Unholy Trinity

UNCP senior takes first place in PBC Art Exhibition

March 22, 2019
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Lemuel Subdias’ first collegiate art exhibition resulted in the top prize.

The UNCP senior art major took home first place at the annual Peach Belt Conference Art Exhibition.

Columbus County Advanced Art Students Visit UNCP Art Department, Fall 2018

Columbus County Art Students visit UNCP Art Department

November 14, 2018
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Columbus County Advanced Art Students spent the day at UNCP Art Department getting a sense of a “day and a life” as an art student.  They attended Intro to Drawing and Elements of Design classes, toured the studio facilities and gallery space, and had a critique of the artwork that they brou

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