National Art Education Association Club

Welcome to UNC Pembroke National Art Education Association Club


The National Art Education Association (NAEA) advances visual arts education to fulfill human potential and promote global understanding.


Students of all ages benefit from comprehensive, balanced, and sequential learning in the visual arts led and taught by qualified teachers who are certified in art education. Art educators meet ethical and rigorous standards of excellence in preservice preparation, ongoing professional development, pedagogy, and inquiry in the field. School-based visual arts instruction surpasses national, state, and local standards and is enhanced through access to art museums and other community resources. The power of the visual arts to enrich human experience and society is recognized and celebrated throughout the world.

National Art Education Association Club


The National Art Education Association Club is an active club in the Art Department and members are Art Education Students. In the 2017-18 school year, The National Art Education Association Club hosted several fundraisers, attended the North Caroline Art Education Association annual conference in Winston- Salem, conducted a service learning project with the Pembroke Housing Authority afterschool program and created an art booth at the Laurinburg Arts Festival.

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