Winter Weather Advisory

UPDATED: 1/21/25 at 9:45 a.m. UNCP officials met this morning to assess conditions and updates from the National Weather Service and have determined the university will operate on a normal schedule through 5:15 p.m. today and then transition to a Condition 1—Reduced Operations status through noon, Wednesday, Jan. 22. All classes after 5 p.m. today through noon, Wednesday, Jan. 22, are canceled. For updates, visit Students, faculty and staff please check your campus email.

Undergraduate Courses in Art

ART 1010. Elements of Design

An introduction to two-dimensional design concepts, theory, and techniques through the study and application of the elements and principles of composition. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 1020. Three‑Dimensional Design

A study and application of design principles in creative three‑dimensional projects in mass and space using various materials. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 1050. Introduction to Sculpture

An introduction to basic additive and subtractive sculptural techniques and procedures, including problems in casting, carving, and assemblage. Studio projects will emphasize craftsmanship, critical thinking, and conceptual development as tools for visual expression. ART 1020 Three-Dimensional Design recommended before taking this course. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 1110. Ceramics: Introduction to Hand Building

An introduction to the basic ceramic building techniques, including coil, slab, and pinch techniques. Students will be presented with contemporary and historical practices in the medium of clay. Basic glaze application and firing processes will be introduced. Class projects will focus on craftsmanship and beginning building techniques as well as critical thinking. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 1120. Ceramics: Introduction to the Wheel

Introduction to wheel throwing will cover the basic techniques for working on the pottery wheel. Students will be presented with contemporary and historical practices associated with the potter’s wheel. Basic glaze application, firing processes, and clay mixing will be introduced. Class projects will focus on craftsmanship and throwing techniques to gain proficiency on the wheel. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 1320. Introduction to Drawing

A course designed to acquaint the student with the basic principles of media and terminology of drawing. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 1330. Introduction to Painting

An introduction to the basics of water-base/oil paint to emphasize color, structure, and composition. Conceptual approaches and direct observation using still lifes and landscapes will result in individual and group critiques. Related work by earlier artists will be studied. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1010, ART 1320 or permission of instructor.

ART 1400. Introduction to Printmaking

An introduction to basic printmaking techniques and procedures, including problems in relief, lithography, and intaglio. The course will survey the historical and contemporary trends in printmaking. Studio projects will emphasize craftsmanship, critical thinking, and conceptual development as tools for visual expression. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1010 and 1320 or permission of instructor.

ART 1450. Digital Arts Appreciation

A course for non-art majors that offers an opportunity for introductory study and activity in various contemporary means of visual communication and design thinking practiced through digital means. Students will find both computers and working creatively with computers and related technologies co-equal foci of this course. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 1500. Introduction to Digital Arts

This course is an introduction to digital arts and is required of all students majoring in Art. As such, this course has been constructed as an overview of, and a structured opportunity for, basic study in computer-based possibilities in the visual arts. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1010 (for majors) or 1450 (for non-majors) or permission of instructor.

 ART 2050. Art Appreciation

A course for non-art majors to establish an understanding of art and culture. This course will provide an overview of historically significant artworks and art movements and also include studio projects to facilitate a broad comprehension of artistic production. Credit, 3 semester hrs.

 ART 2080. Survey of Art I: Ancient through Medieval

An overview of painting, sculpture, architecture, and related visual arts of major world cultures from prehistoric times to around 1400 A.D., including European, American, Asian, African, and Islamic art. Major artistic developments and their cultural contexts will be emphasized. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 2090. Survey of Art II: Renaissance through Contemporary

An overview of painting, sculpture, architecture, and related visual arts of major world cultures from the Renaissance to the present, including European, American, Asian, African, and Islamic art. Major artistic developments and their cultural contexts will be emphasized. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 2150. Figure Drawing

A course to introduce the student to the figure as an art form. Various techniques will be explored. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1320 or permission of instructor.

ART 2170. North American Indian Art (AIS 2170)

A survey of indigenous painting, sculpture, and architecture in North American Indians from about 3000 BCE to the present. Major developments in the visual arts and their cultural contexts will be examined. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 2320. Intermediate Drawing

Intermediate study in drawing as complete art form. Further exploration of drawing techniques using drawing assignments and student developed conceptually focused projects which may include experimental approaches. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1320.

ART 2330. Intermediate Painting

This course builds on the conceptual and perceptual base of Introduction to Painting. Approaches of 20th-century artistic styles, techniques, and media will be studied. Figure and Abstract painting will result in group and individual critiques. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1330 or permission of instructor.

ART 2350. Intermediate Sculpture

Intermediate study in sculptural techniques and procedures involving sculptural media. Studio projects will also incorporate media from the introduction course to create mixed media sculptural forms. The course will include moderate problems in the use of research, craftsmanship, critical thinking, and conceptual development in the context of visual problem-solving. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1020, 1050.

ART 2400. Intermediate Printmaking

Intermediate study in printmaking, including general research in historical and contemporary methods and conceptual approaches. Studio projects will present traditional printmaking techniques while simultaneously introducing digital, photographic, kinetic, mixed media, or volumetric processes as appropriate. The course will include moderate problems in the use of research, craftsmanship, critical thinking, and conceptual development in the context of visual problem-solving. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1400.

ART 2410. Intermediate Ceramics

Intermediate study of ceramics will focus on hand building or wheel throwing. Students will build upon the skills developed in the beginning-level course. Students will be introduced to basic glaze formulation and mixing of glazes for class and personal use. Intermediate-level projects will focus on students’ understanding of ceramic materials as well as introduction to conceptual aspects of ceramic art. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1110 or 1120 or permission of instructor.

ART 2500. Intermediate Digital Arts

This course focuses on the history, tools, and practices of layout, illustration, typography, and general graphic design accomplished for the purposes of advertising and visual communication. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1500 or permission of instructor.

 ART 3000. Advanced Digital Arts I

This course is an opportunity for further inquiry into the digital arts in general and more specifically current technologies involving the study and practice of still and sequenced imagery acquisition, manipulation, and output through the use of digital cameras and digital video cameras. PREREQ: ART 1500. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 3050. Art Education in Grades K‑6

This course focuses on the creative abilities of the elementary school child. The course will explore the graphic abilities of the child, the philosophy of sequential learning, and various production techniques and processes appropriate for elementary school. In addition to creating and executing production lesson plans, students will learn to discuss exemplary works of art with the elementary student. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 3080. Art Education Methods and Field Experience for Grades 6-12

Purposes, methods, materials, and evaluation procedures in visual arts education in grades 6-12. The student will develop curricula, unit plans, and lesson plans that respond to the unique features of the learning environment. This course also provides the art education major with early field experiences teaching art in a variety of educational settings. Directed observations in the public schools will aid in preparation of teaching plans, techniques and materials. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 3050, 3090.

ART 3090. Cultural Awareness and Production in Art Education

Through experiences in this course, students will gain insight into different cultures and their visual arts and crafts, history, methods, processes, techniques, and other considerations germane to teaching art in contemporary classrooms. The course will explore various processes and techniques appropriate for different styles of learning, and techniques of classroom maintenance and management. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 3150. Advanced Sculpture I

Moderate to advanced study in sculptural techniques and procedures involving sculptural media in a continuation of the development of skills in material from previous sculpture courses. Instruction in traditional and contemporary techniques will be accompanied by the introduction of projects involving stylistic and thematic development, exhibition of artwork, and participation in the sculpture community. The course will include moderate to advanced problems in the use of research, craftsmanship, critical thinking, and conceptual development in the context of visual problem-solving. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 2350.

ART 3200. Advanced Drawing I

Advanced study in drawing as a complete art form. Special attention will be given to the further development of conceptual approaches and contemporary trends in drawing. The student will develop and explore personal self‑generated project ideas in whatever drawing format that is considered appropriate for the project. Credit, 3 semester hrs. PREREQ: ART 2320.

ART 3310. Advanced Painting I

This course develops advanced painting skills and encourages individual stylistic and conceptual development, while also studying the work of contemporary artists. Studio projects will emphasize sustained media exploration resulting in a series of works. Students participate in group and individual critiques. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 2230 or permission of instructor.

ART 3410. Advanced Ceramics I

Moderate to advanced study of ceramics will introduce students to projects that require conceptual planning and research. Students may choose to focus on either hand building or wheel throwing. Practices from the ceramic industry will be explored and utilized as tools for art making. Students begin to address their personal stylistic approach to ceramic art. Advanced students will begin to control a larger part of the processes and material associated with their projects. Technical proficiency will be emphasized. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 2410 or permission of instructor.

ART 3500. Advanced Printmaking I

Moderate to advanced study in printmaking, including specific study of historical and contemporary methods and conceptual approaches. Instruction in traditional and contemporary techniques will be accompanied by the introduction of projects involving stylistic and thematic development, exhibition of artwork, and participation in the printmaking community. The course will include moderate to advanced problems in the use of research, craftsmanship, critical thinking, and conceptual development in the context of visual problem-solving. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 2400.

ART 3700. Ancient Greek Art

An overview of art and archaeology related to the ancient history and culture of the Greeks. Emphasis placed on Greek painting, sculpture, ceramics, and architecture from 3000 to 150 BCE. Major artistic developments and their cultural contexts will be examined. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 3710. Ancient Roman Art

An overview of art and archaeology related to the ancient history and culture of the Romans. Emphasis placed on Roman painting, sculpture, and architecture from 500 BCE to 330 CE. Major artistic developments and their cultural contexts will be examined. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 3730. Italian Renaissance Art

Italian art of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries with an emphasis on individual artists, workshop methods, style, meaning, patronage, and the function of art in a range of social contexts. Major artistic developments in the visual arts and their cultural contexts will be examined. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 3750. Art of the United States

A survey of U.S. painting, architecture, and sculpture from Colonial times to the present. Major developments and their cultural contexts will be examined. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 3800. Introduction to Media Integration (MUS 3800)

Media Integration is a cooperative, cross-listed course taught by the faculty from Art and Music departments. The purpose of this course is to offer an interdisciplinary, team taught curriculum that integrates digital video, audio, animation, and graphics in a student centered studio environment. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 4000. Art Education Curriculum

Through a study of the historical developments in the field of art education, the art education major will come to understand the current discipline based approach to curriculum development in the visual arts. A goal is the integration of the domains of art production, art history, aesthetics, and art criticism into sequential units and lessons, reflecting cultural diversity of the population being served. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 3050, 3060, 3080.

ART 4031. Professional Art Practices

Preparation and presentation of professional material, with special attention to portfolios, résumés, and artist statements. Students will cover a broad range of concerns essential to the art major, including senior exhibition, contemporary theory, continued study in graduate school, and careers in the professional art world. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: Completion of all core courses, to be taken the semester before the senior exhibition.

ART 4140. Advanced Sculpture II

Advanced study in sculpture, including individually-directed study of sculptural methods. Technical and conceptual instruction will be targeted to individual stylistic and thematic development, exhibition, and professional interaction. The course will include advanced problems in the use of research, craftsmanship, critical thinking, and conceptual development in the context of visual problem-solving. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 3150.

ART 4150. Advanced Sculpture III

Advanced study in sculpture, including specialized study of an individually-defined set of related topics. Technical and conceptual instruction will be targeted to the direction of this research and development of a defined style and sound research methods. Preparation of a digital portfolio and exhibition will be an integral part of the course. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 4140.

ART 4320. 20th-Century Art

A survey of painting, sculpture, and architecture in the 20th century, with special emphasis on major movements and associated aesthetic and intellectual theory, from Fauvism, Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Dada, and Surrealism to Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism, Assemblage, Pop and Feminist Art, Happenings, Conceptualism, Body and Environmental Art, Performance, Installation, Video, and Digital Art, and more. Major artistic developments and their cultural contexts will be

examined. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 4330. Contemporary Art

An in-depth study of art in the 21st century and related theory. The full range of new media and cutting edge technology utilized by artists will be examined, as well as individual artists who have been instrumental in their development. Major artistic developments and their cultural contexts will be examined. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 4340. Advanced Painting II

This course gives continued development of creative painting methods applied to the individual’s unique painting experience. Exploration of artists and influences that support the students’ individual work. The student will be expected to produce and conceptually support a body of paintings. Students participate in group and individual critiques. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 3310 or permission of instructor.

ART 4350. Advanced Painting III

This course is designed to promote an inter-disciplinary painting experience or an in-depth study of a particular painting approach. Develop a unique style, skills, and techniques through the exploration of new materials or concepts that enhance creative expression. Further research into contemporary painting and its relationship to other art disciplines will be included. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 4340 or permission of instructor.

ART 4400. Advanced Ceramics II

In addition to class projects in advanced ceramics, students will begin individual directed study of contemporary ceramics. Building upon skills, students will focus their research towards hand building or wheel throwing. Technical and conceptual instruction will be directed to students’ individual stylistic and thematic development, as well as exhibition and professional direction. Portfolio preparation and development will be an integral aspect of this course. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 3410 or permission of instructor.

ART 4410. Advanced Ceramics III

Students will continue to develop a personal style of work in clay, and will direct their research towards hand building or wheel throwing. Technical and conceptual instruction will encourage individual stylistic and thematic development as well as exhibition experience. Portfolio preparation and development will be an integral aspect of this course. Students will be required to complete a portfolio and artist’s statement. Students will be required to develop work that addresses their own personal ideas of clay as a medium of contemporary art. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 4400 or permission of instructor.

ART 4490. Internship in Art Education

Provides continuous full-time internship experiences in an off-campus public school in art education. Pass/Fail grading. Credits, 9 semester hours. PREREQ: Admission to the Professional Semester.

ART 4580. Intermediate Media Integration Production (MUS 4580)

This course is an opportunity for further interdisciplinary study in new media. Projects and assignments emphasize the production of digital content for multimedia projects. Products will be from the areas of still digital image-making, digital photography, computer-based printing, digital audio recording and editing, MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), digital animation, and digital videography and editing. Students will have intensive hands-on experience in each area, resulting in an understanding of the techniques and concepts involved in the design and implementation of multimedia projects. Both individual and group assignments can be expected. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART/MUS 3800 or permission of the instructor.

ART 4620. Advanced Digital Arts II

This course emphasizes more advanced study in digital arts in general and more specifically in the current technologies of color management, scanning, and medium- and large-format printing. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 3000.

ART 4630. Advanced Digital Arts III

This course is an opportunity for individually focused inquiry into digital arts and related domains of study in the digital arts. Emphasis is placed on the development of a personal aesthetic, the planning and completion of a body of original works, and the development and completion of a digital portfolio and related materials. Moreover, students are prepared to enter juried competitions at the regional and national levels. PREREQ: ART 4620. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ART 4690. Advanced Drawing II

A course designed to provide advanced study in drawing processes devoted to developing skills, techniques, conceptual approach, and exploration of new materials. Further research into contemporary drawing and its relationship to other art disciplines will be included. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1320, 2320, 3200.

ART 4700. Advanced Drawing III

Advanced study in mixed media drawing processes and further study in traditional drawing methods. This course is devoted to developing skills, techniques, and conceptual approach. Further research into contemporary drawing will be included. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1320, 2320, 3200, 4690

ART 4750. Drawing into New Forms

A course designed to promote an inter-disciplinary drawing experience by developing skills and techniques in the exploration of new materials and to enhance the student’s creative expression in drawing. Further research into contemporary drawing and its relationship to other art disciplines will be included. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 1320, 2320

ART 4800. Advanced Media Integration (MUS 4800)

This course is an opportunity for advanced interdisciplinary study in new media. Assignments emphasize the design and integration of digital content for multimedia projects. Students will propose and prototype a project and participate in the team development of a final project. Students will also be assigned roles in the creative decision-making and work involved in proposals under development and/or consideration in the UNCP Media Integration Project. Students’ products will be expected to relate to the three essential aspects of the University mission—teaching, research, and service—and have the potential to serve as professional examples for student portfolios. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART/MUS 4580 or permission of the instructor.

ART 4810. Advanced Printmaking II

Advanced study in printmaking, including individually-directed study of historical or contemporary topics. Technical and conceptual instruction will be targeted to individual stylistic and thematic development, exhibition, and professional interaction. The course will include advanced problems in the use of research, craftsmanship, critical thinking, and conceptual development in the context of visual problem-solving. Instruction in digital and physical portfolio preparation will be an integral part of the course. Credit, 3 semester hours. PREREQ: ART 3500.

ART 4820. Advanced Printmaking III

Advanced study in printmaking, including specialized study of an individually-defined set of related topics. Technical and conceptual instruction will be targeted to the direction of this research and development of a defined style and sound research methods. Preparation of a digital and physical portfolio will be an integral part of the course. Credit, 3 semester hours PREREQ: ART 4810.

ART 4990. Independent Study in Art

Directed reading, research, and/or problem solving under the guidance of the instructor. This course is designed to fulfill individual needs of majors in areas of advanced study. Credit, 1-3 semester hours, repeatable up to 9 semester hours. PREREQ: Introductory course in chosen area and approval of Department Chair.

ARTS 1xxx. Special Topics in Art History

Study of a specific genre or topic in Art History: its characteristics and significance as both a cultural product and a form of artistic expression. Title and topic will vary from year to year. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ARTS 2xxx. Special Topics

Study of a special topic in studio art, art history, or art education. This course is meant to enhance our typical curriculum of study. Title and theme will vary each time it is offered. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ARTS 2010. Fundamentals of Animation 

The course will focus on 2-D animation fundamentals. Introduction to the twelve principles of animation and basic practices and will include a number of motion study assignments focusing on character movement. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ARTS 3xxx. Special Topics

Advanced study of a specific topic in studio art, art history, or art education. This course is meant to enhance our typical curriculum of study. Title and theme will vary each time it is offered. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Credit, 3 semester hours.

ARTS 4xxx. Special Topics

Advanced study of a specific topic in studio art, art history, or art education. This course is meant to enhance our typical curriculum of study. Title and theme will vary each time it is offered. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Credit, 3 semester hours.