What's New

Dr. Ben Bahr: Alzheimer's disease and traumatic brain injuries

The Innovators

October 18, 2021
| Biology

Celebrating stories of impact at North Carolina’s Historically Minority-Serving Institutions: Elizabeth City State University, Fayetteville State University, North Carolina A&T State University, North Carolina Central University, UNC Pembroke and Winston-Salem State University.  Click th

Dr. Erika Young

Dr. Erika Young featured in Bob & Sheri podcast

September 4, 2021
| Biology

Biology professor Dr.

Brandon Wallace (holding plaque) is joined by Biology faculty and staff (from left to right) Drs. Erika Young, Tonya Locklear, and Velinda Woriax.

Brandon Wallace wins department's Outstanding Student Award

September 4, 2021
| Biology

The Biology Department is pleased to announce the Outstanding Student Award to Mr. Brandon Wade Wallace.  Mr. Wallace graduated Summa Cum Laude, spring 2021, with a degree in biology. 

Read what Dr. Erika Young has to say about Brandon:

Graduate school panel on August 17th

Undergraduate students can learn about graduate school on August 17th

August 12, 2021
| Biology

Are you interested in learning about graduate degree programs in science and engineering, what life as a graduate student is like, and the career options that a master’s or PhD degree can open up for you?

Class of 2025: NC State Veterinary Medicine Welcomes First Pembroke Scholar

August 11, 2021
| Biology

NC State University

Veterinary Medicine News

Dr. Tonya Locklear

Biology Department’s Tonya Locklear earns MFA Degree, achieves title of “Dr.”

August 2, 2021
| Biology

She’s talented, smart, well organized, hardworking, and a gifted writer.  Having such qualities were crucial while Tonya Locklear pursued a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing from Oklahoma City University, and at the same time, she navigated the daily administrative task

Campus Gardens

Duke Energy Foundation, UNCP partnership connects elementary students with the earth

July 19, 2021
| News

Local elementary school students are becoming budding gardeners thanks to an ongoing collaboration between UNC Pembroke, Duke Energy Foundation and the Public Schools of Robeson County.

Dr. Hannah Woriax performing a procedure in the operating room at The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Paging Dr. Woriax

June 23, 2021
| Biology

Article written by Mark Locklear

First published in the spring 2021 edition of
UNCP Today

Dr. Ben Bahr

Dr. Ben Bahr: On the Horizon

June 23, 2021
| Biology

Article written by Mark Locklear

First published in the spring 2021 edition of
UNCP Today