Surplus/Asset Relocation


What is Surplus Property?

Surplus Property/Asset relocation encompasses all university property no longer in use by a university department. University departments should transfer all surplus property and equipment to Surplus Property as soon as determining that the property is no longer needed. Departments may not transfer or sell any state property, except to other university departments. Surplus property may not be discarded, given away, or converted to personal use. Property designated as surplus is available to university departments on a first-come first-served basis.

How Do Departments Prepare Computers for Surplus?

The process is initiated by a department contacting the DoIT Helpdesk at ext. 6260 to request an assessment of the unwanted computer equipment. DoIT will do an assessment on the computer, laptop or tablet to determine whether a computer needs to be sent to surplus or if it can be reused or refurbished. Based upon the results of this assessment, DoIT will instruct the department how to complete a Transfer of Movable Equipment Form and to submit it to DoIT.

PCs, laptops and tablets should be on a Transfer of Movable Equipment Form separate from other surplus items such as furniture, monitors, keyboards, etc.

Departments must prepare a Transfer/Surplus of Movable Equipment form to send property and equipment to Surplus Property, regardless of whether the item is equipment or not, or has a fixed asset tag. Multiple items may be listed on one Movable Equipment form when a group of like items without fixed asset decals is being declared surplus property. For example, if you surplus 40 student desks, use one form for "40 student desks." Upon receipt of the form, Fixed Assets will contact the warehouse for property pick up.

Does UNCP recycle toner cartridges? What do I need to do?

UNCP Surplus recycles all toner cartridges. When recycling your toner cartridges use the box your new toner cartridge arrived in. 

For the larger toner cartridges please follow the directions below:

  • Use the box and plastic that your new toner cartridge arrived in. 
  • The old toner should be in the plastic bag that comes with the replacement cartridge. 
  • Please place the toner cartridge back into box that it arrived in.

Please place box in your campus mail box for pick up. If you do not have the new toner’s packaging material to utilize to repack the old cartridge, please do not place an unwrapped or leaky cartridge in with the outbound mail. Please call 910.521.6346 and arrange to have the cartridge picked up separately or they will forward packing material for you to use. Thank  you for your cooperation.

Surplus Property Sales to the Public through Bids

Surplus property that is not needed by university departments is listed with the State Surplus Property Agency in Raleigh, which advertises it for public bid. Interested parties may view bid sheets, states classifieds, vehicles lists, and place bids online at

Retail Store-Onsite Surplus Property Sales

The Surplus Property Office will conduct monthly sales to allow the general public to purchase surplus items no longer needed by the university. These sales will be held on the third Thursday of each month at the surplus warehouse on campus.

If you would like to visit the surplus warehouse, please schedule an appointment with the surplus coordinator by emailing

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