
Mailman is used for managing electronic mail discussion and e-newsletter lists. Mailman is integrated with the web, making it easy for users to manage their accounts and for list owners to administer their lists. Mailman supports built-in archiving, automatic bounce processing, content filtering, digest delivery, spam filters, and more.

List Managers/Owners: Anybody who is a list administrator or moderator for a mailing list.

List Manager's Quick Reference Card: This is a quick reference related to the topics that you will mostly be involved with. To get more detailed information you can download the PDF version below. This documentation goes into all the gory details about how to set up your lists, what the various options mean and control, and how to manage the membership of your mailing list.

Users: Anybody who is a member of a mailing list managed by Mailman. This documentation explains how you can subscribe and unsubscribe from mailing lists, how to change your personal options, and how to interact with other parts of the Mailman system. (PDF version below)