The next admission cycle will begin in December 2025 for August 2026 entry.
Click here to view the Prelicensure FAQ Video Series.
Important Notice: Admission to UNCP does not guarantee acceptance into the nursing program. All prospective nursing students must submit a supplemental application and meet program-specific admission requirements.

The Pre-Licensure BSN option is a face-to-face program that prepares students for initial licensure to become registered nurses. This program option is 4 academic years in length and encompasses two phases.
The first phase is comprised of 58 semester credit hours of lower-division work, including liberal arts and nursing prerequisites. The broad educational background in the physical, social, and behavioral sciences afforded by this phase provides the foundation for the nursing major. The second phase is comprised of 62 semester credit hours of upper-division work in the nursing major and is completed within the Department of Nursing. Taken during the junior and senior years, these courses are designed to prepare the baccalaureate nurses for practice in a variety of settings.
Students are admitted to the baccalaureate nursing program at the upper division level. Lower division courses must be completed before beginning nursing courses.
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing will be awarded to students who successfully complete both phases of the requirements for the degree. Degree recipients will then be eligible to take the NCLEX-RN licensure examination administered by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
Prelicensure Admission Requirements
TEAS Examination
Admission Timeline
Transfer Students
Sample Plan of Study
Course Descriptions
Program Director Contact Card
For questions related to the pre-licensure program, please contact:

Director of Pre-Licensure Programs, Associate Professor