Please use the Transfer Course Equivalency Tool to see which courses transfer from other schools!
Transfer students should utilize either the Prelicensure Checklist or the Second Degree Seeking Checklist linked above to view the prerequisite courses required for the Upper Division Nursing Program at UNC-Pembroke. Students with a North Carolina Associate Degree in Arts, Associate Degree in Science, or any Bachelor's Degree should utilize the Second Degree Seeking Checklist. Students with an Associate Degree in Applied Science or without any degree should utilize the regular Prelicensure Checklist.
What are the requirements for the nursing program?
Please review our Admission Requirements page.
What courses will transfer to UNC-Pembroke?
To view the course equivalencies, please utilize the Transfer Course Equivalency Tool. Simply select your state, college, and course subject to view courses which will transfer to UNC-Pembroke. Then compare these courses to the checklists available above.
I already have a bachelor's degree. What courses do I need to take?
Please review the second-degree seeking checklist which may be downloaded from the top of this page. After you have been accepted into the university, you should contact Mr. Crouch within the McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing to request a second-degree audit. He will then inform you of which courses you have remaining.
When do I need to apply to UNC-Pembroke?
Our program has two pre-requisite courses which do not transfer in from other schools (NUR 2020 and NUR 3250). Thus, you must take these two courses at least one semester before entering our program. Since our program starts in the fall of each year, you must register for NUR 2020 and NUR 3250 (pre-requisite courses) for the spring semester preceding your start in the nursing program. So you should apply to UNC-Pembroke during the fall semester prior in order to ensure your ability to enroll and register for those two pre-requisite courses. So if you are applying for entry in Fall 2023, you should apply to UNC-Pembroke in Fall 2022 so that you can register for those two courses in Spring 2023. NUR 3250 is a face-to-face on-campus course!
How can I get a transcript review?
When you apply to UNC-Pembroke, your transcripts will be reviewed by the Office of Admissions and Registrar's Office. These offices will input your confirmed transfer coursework onto your UNC-Pembroke Transcript. When you attend orientation at UNC-Pembroke, you will meet with an advisor to go over your required courses.
A course I took did not transfer in. Why?
If you feel like a course you have taken previously should transfer to UNC-Pembroke, you will need to provide a copy of that course's syllabus to the chair or department head of the equivalent department at UNC-Pembroke. The department head will make the final determination for transfer courses.
I already took some nursing courses. Will they transfer in?
Any nursing courses which you are seeking to transfer to UNC-Pembroke must be individually evaluated and approved by the Chair of the McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing. You must provide a copy of the syllabus for each nursing course and make an appointment with the Chair.
My current university requires Nutrition/Developmental Psychology/Pharmacology. Does UNCP?
Please review our Admission Requirements page.
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