Special Award in Performance
This award is presented to outstanding undergraduate performers who complete all requirements for the award and is the UNCP version of a performers certificate. The award is designed to prepare students for orchestral auditions, solo or chamber music competitions, and recording projects, or entrance into graduate school. Students in any music degree at UNCP can be considered for this award.
a. Be nominated by his/her studio teacher and approved to enter the program by a vote of the faculty.
b. Complete the performance portion of the Evaluation Forum the first time attempted.
c. Complete a full-length junior recital deemed by the faculty to be at a level equivalent to that of a performance major.
d. Complete a full-length senior recital deemed by the faculty to be at a level equivalent to that of a performance major. This recital should be at a level that would allow acceptance into a Master of Music Performance program.
e. Complete two of the following: Perform one solo performance off campus. This performance could be a recital at a church, a children’s program in the public schools, a concerto with a band or orchestra (could include UNCP concerto competition) or other performance as approved by the faculty; Perform in a nationally or regionally recognized music competition; or Perform as a member of a professional organization, examples to include orchestra, choir, accompanist etc.
The award certificate would be presented after the completion of all requirements.