UNCP B.A. Senior Capstone Exhibition
On View: March 16-19, 2020
The UNCP A.D. Gallery is pleased to present “2020 Vision Part 1: UNCP B.A. Senior Capstone Exhibition,” a show featuring the work of B.A. students Lilly Fowler, Diego Poole, Jared Simmons and Megan Vesley.
2020 Vision is a show featuring the different artistic visions of a group of seniors, showcasing many unique techniques and mediums.
Lilly Fowler’s etching series focuses on her daily struggles with mental illness. She draws inspiration from the comedic tones of cartoon illustrations, using this as a way to make her art more relatable.
Diego Poole’s works consists of 2 series- 1 showcasing his woodblock carvings, and the other being a series of paintings. The painting series is a continuation of his Jungle series, which tells the story of a boy from Marshville, NC.
Jared Simmons’ series is about the importance of surrealism in Sci-Fi, and the impact it has on art. Each peach presents a unique species, each one personifying and representing the realm it lives in.
Megan Vesely’s series titled “All the Colors of the Sky” is a combination of works that display the sky at different times of the day. She aims to make a connection with the viewer and take them on a journey to a time where they were once captivated by the sky and its beautiful color palette.