3rd Place, 2019 Exhibition
Call for Entries
Biennial UNCP Art Alumni Juried Exhibition
On View: September 30 through October 27 2021
First Place Award: $300
Second Place Award: $200
Third Place Award: $100
Special Award: Solo Exhibition at Inner Peace Gallery
Deadline: August 31, 2021 all submissions due.
September 14........................................Notification of Acceptance
September 20-23..................................Delivery of Accepted Work
September 30-October27....................On View in A.D. Gallery, UNC Pembroke
TBA 4:30-6 p.m.....Awards Reception
October 28-November 3......................Return of Artwork

Juror: Melvin Morris
After graduating from UNCP with a bachelor’s degree in Studio Art, Melvin founded the Inner Peace Center for the Arts in Lumberton, NC. As a passionate and enthusiastic advocate for the arts, he continues to support local artists and the arts within his community. As owner and curator of the newly renovated IPCA gallery in downtown Lumberton, Morris remains committed to hosting a variety of art events including poetry slams, wine and paint, jazz nights and as well as high quality visual art exhibitions.
Submission Guidelines
Open to all graduates from a UNCP art or art education degree program. Works must be completed after graduation, preferably within the last three years. Artwork should be original. Entry to this exhibition implies agreement on the part of the sender to the conditions set forth in this prospectus.
Entry and Handling Fee
There is no entry fee for this exhibition.
Entry Process
email files to: adgallery@uncp.edu
• Title the e-mail: “UNCP 2021 Alumni Exhibition”
• In the body of the e-mail please include the following: Your Name Your Graduation Year and Major Address Email address Phone Website address (if you have one) Title, media, dimensions, date of each work submitted, & insurance values Optional: Description (max. 50 words) and/or methods used
• State if you wish to be considered for the solo exhibition award. If awarded, you must be able to deliver at least 8 artworks to Inner Peace Gallery in Lumberton, NC for an exhibition to be scheduled in 2022 or 2023. Declining will not affect your entry's consideration for the 1st-3rd place awards.
• Artists may enter up to 3 works (3 additional images may be submitted for details or 3-D works)
• Submitted images should be embedded in the body of the email in JPEG format. A full view of each submitted artwork is required
• Submitted files should be no larger than 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels
• JPEG files should be named as follows: firstinitial_lastname_abbreviated title.jpg. (For example, w_smith_shorttitle.jpg.)
• For Video/DVD: Mail CD of 5 to 7 clips lasting no more than 3-4 minutes each In addition to the clips, you may send one complete work if no longer than 10 minutes total running time, links to websites such as vimeo are acceptable.
Acceptance and Delivery of Work
Artists whose work is selected for the exhibition will be notified by September 14, 2019. Accepted work may be delivered in person or shipped postage paid by artist in appropriate packaging for artwork that is reusable upon return shipment. Hand delivered Work should be delivered directly to the A.D. Gallery in Pembroke, NC between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6pm during the week of September 20-23, 2021.
Mailed work should be shipped to:
UNCP Department of Art c/o Nicole Beverly 1 University Drive PO BOX 1510 Pembroke, NC 28372-1510
If inappropriate shipping materials are used, damaged work will not be covered by the gallery. All packages must include a pre-paid return address label (if return address label is not included, the address on the original submission form will be used to return the work.) Shipped artwork must arrive between September 20-23, 2021. UPS or FedEx is preferred method of shipment.
Return of Work
If work is dropped off in person, it must be picked up in person. Mailed work will be returned after October 28. Return postage must be sent pre-paid with work at the time of delivery.
Wall-mounted work: Not to exceed 5’ in height or width, and 60 lbs. Installations: May not alter the character of gallery walls, ceiling or floor. Pedestals will be provided for 3-D work. All works must be ready to install. 2-D work must be framed under plexiglass or glass (with exception of works on canvas) and wired with the necessary hanging device attached. Unframed works should be shipped with the appropriate hanging equipment and installation instructions. The juror or gallery director may withhold works that are misrepresented by digital submission or that are not adequately prepared for display.
Art Sales
Sale of work is not permitted as this is a non-profit gallery supported through a state funded university. Business cards and promotional materials are welcome to be included with accepted artwork to be kept available for visitors to contact you directly.
Contractual Agreement
All entries selected for this exhibition will be insured for the listed value from time of receipt through return shipment. Elected work must remain on view until the close of the exhibition. Permission to photograph artwork for exhibition publicity is considered granted unless otherwise stated.
Copyright Policy
All works must be original. Any audio/music scores associated with submitted works must be original and/or copyright free. Images submitted may be used for AD Gallery promotional materials for this exhibition, and all artists accepted agree to allow their work to be photographed in the gallery as a record of this exhibition. The AD Gallery will post and credit images of artist work on its Instagram account @uncp_adgallery and archive the exhibition permanently on the college website at uncp.edu/a.d.gallery